Sunday, April 19, 2015


Everyone wants to be happy right? It's what we all strive for. So tell me, why do so many of us find ourselves stuck? Unhappy with our lives, unhappy with who we are?

I think the answer is more simple than many people think, but often times not one people want to hear.

In a world where things are constantly handed to us I think we forget that happiness is not one of them. Very few people randomly fall into a joyous, happy, stable life by chance. Happiness does not come without effort.

Happiness comes by series of conscious decisions and efforts to make your life into what you want it to be. Happiness comes by choosing to receive God's grace. Happiness comes one choice at a time. Happiness is sometimes a gradual change. And happiness is something you can always choose to have.

I strongly believe that the most powerful thing in your life is your mind. Your thoughts, what you believe, this guides your actions and your actions make you who you are. The mind though, is a funny thing because it's always changing. The good news about this is that you can always choose how you live and what you think. Decide who you want to be and take the appropriate steps to get there.

So the next time you catch yourself complaining about life and pondering how unhappy you are with where you're at....remember that you are the only person in your life that has the power to change it.