Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Be Brave

   Life can be hard, we all know that. It's tossed me around my fair share for sure. I haven't had the easiest last couple months. Hell, if I'm being really honest, I haven't had the easiest last few years. But that's not why I'm writing this blog. I'm writing this blog because for whatever reason lately a couple words have really resonated and stuck with me. A small phrase that reminds me to keep going. A symbol of overcoming the things life throws our way. These two words are: Be Brave. As I've mulled these simple yet extremely complex words over in my head, I thought to myself - what does that truly mean to me, to be brave? Well, I decided to put my thoughts into writing and see what I find. To start out I went to trusty ole google for the literal definition. 


     1. ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
      2. endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behavior) without showing fear.

   How cool is that? To face pain with courage and being ready to do so. To endure the woes this world throws at you without showing fear. Not to say you're not afraid, you may be terrified, but you're facing it anyway. What amazing strength lies in the definition of this word. 

   I think back to times in my life that I would consider myself to have been brave. Overcoming my struggle with an eating disorder. Realizing that asking for help isn't only okay, it's extremely courageous. I remember how scared I was to admit I couldn't handle something on my own, to "need" help. Only to quickly realize all the negative connotation this world puts on therapy is complete BS. Moving out at the age of seventeen. One of my hardest ones, pressing charges against the person who raped me. I hate that is a path so many people know. Forgiving that same person, so I could let go and move on. Another not so easy one, recognizing the emotional abuse in my marriage and getting myself out of it. I never pictured myself as a divorcee, that's not the path I wanted my life to have. But looking back now, at everything I've learned, I'm thankful for the strength it has given me. Writing and posting this blog. Loving and leaving an addict. Being vulnerable. Telling my five year old nephew his dad died from an overdose and turning the corner to hold my sister so he wouldn't see her cry. Getting diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever last summer and despite not feeling well most of the time, still finding the good in every day. Being strong enough to see the good in people. Being brave enough to believe in them. Sometimes simply trusting a person, for me, is a true act of bravery. 

   I think that being brave can come in all shapes and sizes, choices, situations, you name it. So as I thought about these words and what they mean to me, this is what I have come up with....Being brave means being strong. It means pushing forward. It means not stopping, no matter what. It's putting one foot in front of the other when you don't want to move an inch. It's facing your fears head on with confidence. It's trusting yourself. Trusting your gut. Believing that you're going to be okay. It's seeing the silver lining in the middle of adversity. It's being at the center of a shit storm and finding a way to grow from it. It's taking control of your mind, your thoughts, your reactions. It's loving yourself. It's facing the world as nothing more than simply being you and knowing that is enough. Being brave is beautiful. Being brave is hard. Being brave is courageous. 

   That must be why these two words have stuck with me so much lately. They hold an infinite amount of meaning.  A definition that can be personal to each individual. One that can morph and change over time. An encouragement for any situation you may face. A reminder that you have before and will continue to triumph over any adversity placed in your way. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes growing up, "Never, ever, ever give up" And I think that's what it comes down to. Not giving up. Taking every day head on. Fighting, not to survive, but to overcome. Facing every day, ready to be brave. 

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