Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Shake It Off

As many of you know Taylor Swift came out with a new song on Monday! It's poppy, it's catchy and it's a lot of fun. With how much much of a Tswizzle fan I am, here is my attempt at a non-biased review. If you by chance aren't like the other 95% of people in this world and have not heard the song (or seen the video) the link is at the bottom of this blog.

The song itself is very….upbeat! It's slightly repetitive (especially toward the end) and even I can see how it would be perceived as slightly annoying. I would also be surprised if it's played on many country stations with it being closer to a pop like genre. But she's been slowly moving away from the country music scene with each album she's had….we all know that!

But lets take a look at the message of the song. The point she's trying to get across is very clear. People everywhere will always talk. They will always twist the truth and they will always say bad things about you. Every person at some point in their life can identify with this. There are mean and hurtful people in this world and sadly that probably will not change….But the truth is we are the one's with the upper hand. Just like Taylor said in her interview (which you can watch here: ) you have to have more fun than they do. You have control over them, because you have control over how you react. You have control over how their words affect you. Who cares what they think and who cares what they say. You are you and you are beautiful….Someone cue Selena Gomez….Who says, who says you're not perfect ;)

But on a more serious note, too many people these days value what other people say about them more than what they think about themselves. I love that Taylor is speaking out about this. It takes someone like Swift, who has the influence on so many, to stand up and make an impact. People should be who they are, NO MATTER what that means. Be you and be happy. I for one am glad there is someone like Taylor Swift in this world. I hope people, teenagers, adults, outcasts and everyone everywhere hear this song and decide to "shake it off." I know it has inspired me. Not only to not sweat the small things or care about other people's opinions of myself….but also to inspire others to live this way as well. Imagine a world where everyone felt comfortable to be themselves and no one judged others….that would be a world I would be proud to live in. A world I would be proud to raise my kids in. And a world I hope we someday see. So, in my non-biased biased opinion…thank you Tswift for helping make this world a more beautiful place! And I have no doubt she will "shake off" any and all criticism her new song receives….either that or she'll just write a song about you ;)

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